FloFleet reduces energy waste, through zero emissions, autonomous and real time monitoring of energy infrastructures

Our new Airship

Zero emission

Propulsion is provided by 4 electric motors powered by solar panels positioned on all the upper surface

Fully Autonomous

Our airships are completely autonomous so they don't require a pilot, not even from the ground

1 Week endurance

Our innovative, inflated-wing shape not only provides aerodynamic lift, but also allows more surface area for solar panels


Main focus

dirigibile flofleet con tralicci elettrici
Infrastructure surveillance

Airborn monitoring is critical for large energy infrastructure, Flofleet is focusing on this market, but our versatility allows us to explore many different fields. Helicopters are currently used to keep a payload airborne for long periods of time for connectivity, filming and monitoring purposes. We can provide better service, longer missions and reduce environmental impact.

Potential markets

dirigibile flofleet che vola su formazione F1
Events streaming
dirigibile flofleet che vola su un campo coltivato
Agricolture 4.0

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